Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dump Your Goals. Say what?

No! I can't live without that list staring back at me keeping me motivated.
That's what I said, until asked this question:
What's your passion?

Quick, don't think. First thing in your head will do. I need an answer.
What's your passion?

Have it?
Are you surprised?

When this question was put to a group of friends recently,
one man said history, a woman shared her love of sewing,
and another lived to learn.
They all had one thing in common.
None worked in their passion.
Nope. Not even close.

A few accepted this as an unfortunate fact of grown up life.
Others, shocked by their answers, gained insight.
Slaving for years and unhappy in their profession,
the reason for their lack of fulfillment hit them between the eyes
like a two by four.

Truth delivered with blinding force hurts.

Work without passion is just a job.
And a life without passion isn't living.

I know, bummer.

There's nothing wrong with a job.
It's what pays the mortgage and feeds the kids,
but our souls require nourishment as well.
How did these talented people land in this predicament?


Not true goals.
Theirs were lists handed to them full of should and must be.
What does the world know about your desires and dreams?


Only you own that knowledge.

To reconnect with your authentic self,
toss your old goals and let honest dreams form.
Nature fills a void.

For the next two weeks,
allow your life to take it's course naturally.
You are not allowed to work on your old goals.
Think of it as a vacation or fact finding mission.

If you're a control freak like me,
it's scary to eschew the list and fly free.

Before you shake your head and say I've lost my mind, let me explain.
We are not dumping the idea of running a marathon
or passing the bar exam,
we're only giving ourselves time to reevaluate.
Opening up possibilities.

If the goal is part of you, nothing will pry it from your heart.

Trust the universe to speak and bring your true nature to light.
There's a catch to all of this soul searching.
Once you find your passion, live it.

Record your findings in your journal,
and please share your comments with the rest of us.

Thank you for taking the leap.


  1. That's a big leap! Will try for sure. Thanks for posting.

  2. Sandy will you be my universe? You seem to know my every hurdle and solution without trying! This is a great reminder. I try to see my life as a long linked chain. The front link is destiny, of which I have no control of (much to my frustration). If I could just keep my fingers from pushing the links in the rear (no pun intended), and tweaking the entire line, my life would move along much easier. Thanks for the post. You're terrific.

  3. Great reminder, Sandy! I've worked in soul-stealing jobs. While I did a service for others, it took a lot out of me. My next job was better. But now that I'm able to devote a lot 0f my time to writing -- my passion, I am so much happier. :-)

  4. I feel fortunate that most of my jobs were in what I love. Horses have always been a passion and I broke horses when I was (much) younger. Health care, I got a job with the elderly in a couple of different nursing homes (where I learned that an aide was not for me, but dietary was better). But my biggest passion, writing, is what I do now. I have a loving and supportive husband who insists I stay home and write while he works.

    Great post, Sandy.

  5. Fantastic idea, Sandy. I love what you said, "Once you find your passion, live it." I heard a piece of good advice once from Deepak Chopra, and I've lived by it ever since. He said, "Find something you love to do, get good at it, let it serve the greater good in some way, and then find a way to make money at it, and you'll find happiness." I've said that to my kids many times since then, and I'm often brought back to that idea when I take time to evaluate my own life.

  6. I'm working very hard at living my passion-writing, but will have to live with the day job, as well, until the passion can also pay the mortgage. I'm sure there are many who can relate.

  7. I did this September 19, 2005. I closed my successful flower shop--which had never been my passion. I started writing almost immediately and joined the Utah RWA the following January. It was the easiest leap of faith I ever made.

    6 1/2 years later, I've reached that goal I set when I was 11 years old. I'm writing from home. I'm happier than is good for me, I'm sure.

  8. Those who can combine their goals and their passion are truly fortunate. Sometimes we have to postpone our goals. but that doesn't mean to forget them, or to accept a compromise. Just means it takes some of us a little longer go get there.

  9. I think I need to work on this one... thank you for the reminder. You are so wise and I am so lucky to call you friend and CP.

  10. What a great way to think. Isn't it sad so many of us spend our lives working without passion. After I retired after 28 years of working, I finally got the opportunity to live my passion. Its been a rollercoaster ride, but I have the best of both worlds -- a retirment check coming in and time to write at home doing what I love. Thanks for your words of wisdom.
